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Tulsa Dog Training : $1 lesson

Hello welcome to the man’s best friend podcast today we’re going to be talking about some of the recent lessons that we’ve been doing. Host Ryan Wimpey I’m here with my beautiful beautiful co-host Rachel Wimpey. Hey guys. And we’re going to talk about some of the aggression that we’ve been seeing lately in dogs. So first off I had a had a $1 lesson we do dog training here in the Tulsa Oklahoma area. We have multiple dog trainers that work lessons client’s aggression all types of different things. And one of the ones that we saw yesterday is a pit bull mix rescue and we love rescues and we love pit bulls. But this little rascal had some unique problems. The dog when I worked it we did the $1 introductory lesson when I worked the dog. The dog learned very quickly very rapidly but can’t touch the dog’s collar. Really. Kind of weird. So when you touch the call the dogs all the time until but when you touch the collar the dog literally goes a rabid dog. It was wild. I had to go to the car and get a bite sleeve. Even though the dog’s only nine months old it’s lives with kids. Super happy but for whatever reason when you touch the dog’s collar and he bites for real I took a really hard bite on my watch. Wow. Hey I Bachi that watch. Tulsa Dog Training I know I love this watch. Just so you guys can’t see this but this is a bull of a watch. My wife bought me and it’s pretty awesome and I love it.

Tulsa Dog Training And fortunately I do have to block some bites with this watch. But yeah sad my watch becomes a block biter anyway. By plucker anyway. So we touch the dog’s collar. Dog gets crazy in there. They work that are in a harness which we don’t really like harnesses the car gives us a lot more control. But yeah it was wild so I had to get the bites leave and I snuck a few fingers out the bottom from the bite sleeve and I’m going to teach the dog how to handle pressure appropriately for whatever reason the dog freaks out. And so once I taught it to listen I talked to give and I started working with it then I would start to touch the caller and the dog was putting tons of pressure on the sleeve. Right. And anyways all this to say you were like I don’t know how the dog got this way. Well what happened is the dogs are young. The dogs a pup and some might touch the collar and the dog got frustrated right. Maybe nipped or something like that. And then the people left it alone. And then this happens repeatedly again and again and again and again and again and depending on how strong or dominant the dog is depends on how reinforced it gets and this pattern obviously very reinforced. That’s what these dogs are only nine months old. And it’s you know biting people. So yeah. Without the sleeve maybe a little blood. Not very much. But you know it’s definitely hard. So how do you prevent that.

If we listen to our puppy podcast for puppy training for any Tulsa or broken arrow people what we need to do is we need to play with the puppies ears right. His teeth feet. Everything like that. If this dog had been put on a collar I know this is a rescue so I’m not sure how long they had it Tulsa Dog Training.

So we don’t really know the background of the dog. Right. Right. We don’t know the background that could have been pulled around by his caller. He could have. Yeah yeah. We have no idea where but either way he can’t be biting children just because they touch his collar.

No no. So I taught him how to handle pressure and we’re going to do a boot camp with this dog because you know if I’ve got to put a bite sleeve on the dog to work it that people don’t really want to work that through at home. Yeah I know it’s something we can work through so we’re going to be boot camp and the dog. We do a boot camp here in Tulsa. All right we take dogs from all over the place and basically they stay with us. Tulsa Dog Training They live with us for a few weeks and we work them so we going be able to work through all that aggression. But that could have been prevented if the first owner had started working with the dog and with the dog. All that could have been easily preventable. Basically that dog is learning how to turn off uncomfortable feelings and correct people is that right.

Yes that’s right. Can you elaborate on that for us.

Yes so dogs correct. Thank you. Dogs correct with their teeth. Right. So dogs either correct peers or people that they see underneath them. They never correct superiors. Right. Right. Right.

So if we come in and we do some obedience training we are obedience trainers. Right. And we do some obedience training and I teach that dog how to listen to everyone in the whole family and that it has to listen and I’m able to transfer all that obedience. Then the dog knows exactly it’s spot in the family right. If I do that without any aggression or dominance or anything like that people not being tough guys then I can transfer even to the little kids because they had some little kids in the family. Oh yeah. So the dog’s not going to correct people that he’s about them. If the dog listens to someone or 100 percent of the time it gets a command. They know where they stand in the pack order. We don’t have to be the dominant pack leader and all the dog training shenanigans Tulsa Dog Training.

If the dog listens. The dog knows where it stands. Right.

So that was one we had we had another one very very very aggressive Rottweiler that one of our trainers worked had to work the bite sleeve. Right. We have another one we’re doing very aggressive border collie which is weird. Border Collies mostly aren’t aggressive.

Yeah. Mostly Border Collies. The AKC says they’re the number one smartest dog. I did one private lesson with one the other day and $1 first lesson and the dog was so smart. It’s coming in like 10 minutes smart so smart and so aggressive and you’re like how did it happen.

Well you know it’s a learned response. We’ve got two parts and aggression right. We have learned responses that we’ve got genetic responses. Genetic is momma. Dad liked to you know we’re very very dog aggressive are their bread out of aggressive dogs. Tulsa Dog Training And so they’re aggressive learned response is I’m uncomfortable new people in the house I’m uncomfortable someone touching my collar and so I do this response and it makes the bad thing go away.

So and then if not handled correctly they just get in a habit of correcting their owner or the children. Absolutely. So that that pit bull is getting in that bad habit of correcting the people right. Oh don’t touch my collar. I will bite you. Listen here.

I will warn you and then I will bite you when really he loves them. He loves them. Oh he was cuddling with the people and stuff. And he’s a really smart dog he’s just realized this makes me uncomfortable. And I will stop them with my teeth with my teeth. Tulsa Dog Training Not appropriate. So this other dog this border collie I worked it with a bite sleeve for about 30 minutes. Then one of our trainers one of our obedience trainers here in Tulsa went out worked with that dog and he actually took the dog.

No muscle no muscle no muscle. I know he’s a brave soul.

He is we have some brave friends we have very good dog training staff here in Tulsa.

Tulsa Dog Training And he took the dog and basically the dogs used to just turn and people shut them down. Right. The dogs when I was there his dog showed massive aggression and. Able to. Take the dog. And. Just put the leash no muzzle no anything and actually works the dog through some of. His aggression. He was able to work him for an hour and just teach him how to appropriately handle pressure. That’s awesome. Yeah. Very awesome. So. He’s going to be doing the first few lessons. One of our structures is we do. Lessons with the people. We do the first few lessons that we train the clients we make sure we work through the dog first so. Obviously. He’s doing the first few lessons. He’s working the dogs through. Different issues and then he’s going to be working on transferring that to the owners. So you say how does a dog. Get so aggressive toward new people come in the house and it literally wants to bite him. Expression was not an aggressive breed like a Border Collie. Well the deal is. It’s. The same as that dog getting a white collar touched. People came in the House and for whatever reason this protocol got uncomfortable. Right. He got. He got a little malady. Now. He’s a few years old. But when he started. It’s. In. To happen. The same with all the dogs. They. Start growling or barking new people are there they’re uncomfortable. And then they either get put in another room.

And so the threat goes away. Or the person leaves. And the threat goes away. Either way the dog. Has a learned response of. I’m aggressive. I show some sort of aggression on some sort of level. And then their threat goes away basically as a fight or flight response. Interesting. You know. So.

We get that fight or flight response and the dog and then slowly over time it tends to build. If it’s never properly dealt with. Correct. Right.

Yeah if it’s never properly dealt with it’s just going to it’s like a human’s bad habit. Right. Right. If you don’t step in and curb it it’s not that big of a deal. But it’s kind of a kind of go and it’s going to kind of go is going to kind of go you know just like my caffeine habit you know Tulsa Dog Training.

And they didn’t curb it. Now it’s kind of out of control out of control you know huge coughing a Red Bull you’re just starting the day right. Yeah. It’s the same with dogs except the you know my caffeine habit that’s socially acceptable aggression is not right. Right. So you’ve got to fix that. And the two biggest ways we’re going to fix that is with 100 percent come 100 percent quiet or off and then 100 percent place command which is going to be a dog. Time out. So and what we’re going to do with this border callers we’re teaching how to handle pressure. Right. Because like I said not normally those are not normally aggressive dogs. So first we need to teach a hundred percent come in I need a 100 percent quiet and then I need a doggie timeout so I can teach that dog how to handle pressure when new people walk in. I don’t want to just let the dog go into fight or flight. Right. I want to shut it down. I want to do it aggressively aggressively just through obedience training. And I want them to know like hey even if you’re scared even if you want someone’s face off. If Mommy says Come you have to come with mommy says quiet. You have to quiet if your stink eye on the person and mommy says off. You have to look away. Write her off command just literally move away and then a minute goes straight into my place give me my doggy time out and I’m going to teach them how to just handle that pressure Tulsa Dog Training.

Stay in a box stay on the time out. And even though they’re scared even though they will want to be aggressive you still might be in the dog’s head. But what I want to do is kind of control it. I want to curb that behavior. Right. So that’s a few of the aggressive dogs have been working recently. And thanks for tuning in. And we will go over a couple more dogs on our next episode.

Bye guys. Thank you.


Tulsa Dog Training Hello and welcome to the man’s best friend podcast. I am your host Ryan Wimpey and I’m here with my bride and beautiful co-host Rachel M-B. Hey guys. Hey and we are with tip top canine in Tulsa Oklahoma. We are Tulsa dog trainers. We teach obedience off leash obedience manners and everything else. And today we’re going to separate some fact from fiction and we’re going to talk about a couple different issues. One of the things I want to talk about is all the dogs on meds meds we keep seeing all these crazy dogs on medications. What’s up with that. Well I think people think since they need meds and their kids need meds their dogs their kids must need meds as well. So most dogs we see they actually don’t need meds. Some of them have issues and some have real issues but most of them don’t need meds. It’s just so. We literally I went out to a client’s house of the day and their dog is on trial. I don’t know. Yeah and I had to look it up. I’m sure you know you’re way smarter than me. I mean so I’m sure you know what it is but I had to look it up I didn’t know what it was. Right. And it’s a sedative anti-depressant.

Wow. It’s not crazy. Yeah.

Tulsa Dog Training So you need a prescription for that. It’s a this is the drug class. It’s serotonin antagonist and re-uptake inhibitor for a dog for a dog. So basically it’s like you know it’s an anti-depressant medication and a sedative medication all in one. So this lady said that she had a really bad anxiety. And you know that’s the only way she can sleep otherwise she won’t sleep and her dog is on quadruple the dose shoes on. No. Yeah. For a dog for a dog. Is that not wild. And this dog probably doesn’t weigh as much as her. No no no no. Well you know the dogs like eighty five pounds. Wow. So it’s like 4 milligrams a day or something crazy like that. So they’re like because you have separation anxiety. Well most dogs and you answer the phone so I know you hear this a lot. Yes they do. But like oh my god I have separation anxiety pretty rare in my opinion is it real separation anxiety. So what typically is it on the docs board board or the dogs like hey this is my friend. And they go away and that makes me sad and bored. And you know yeah i have anxiety because I want to be with my friends. I want to be with my human. It’s not like separation anxiety like I’m literally insane now that there’s no one there I’m going crazy I need meds I need to be all over Google.

We see that separation anxiety is a thing. Oh well yes it is yeah it is Tulsa Dog Training.

Also on Google is every child needs Ritalin and that are all know them can focus. Well May maybe because they’re little kids. Yeah but it doesn’t mean they need stuff. Yeah. Right. But still that’s what’s getting pumped in. You know the pharmaceutical companies I feel like they’re just going after another avenue of people lost. So yeah this dog might have been the only one that maybe maybe had real separation anxiety and needed it. I’ll go over kind of what happened. OK. He would first he was a rescue. Right.

So we have no idea what happened in his. We have no idea. They said that the owner left him in a cage like 23 hours a day which is really sad because he destroyed the whole house. If if they left but they never you know take the time to get the dog trained so that you wouldn’t destroy the whole class.

They didn’t work on any dog training and they probably up Ringling knowing OK Anyways we’ll get back to you. Thank you. OK. So sorry I guess my phone was on anyways so.

So they said hey we’ve got this new dog. I left the dog in the bedroom. I went in the other room.

Tulsa Dog Training And what happened. The dog ripped the curtains off the wall. It took all the pillows off the bed. It moved to the bed and mattress all in about two minutes and I was like that’s a little severe. These are the people that are really severe. Well that dog is wild after like two minutes. Yeah. And so then they called the vet from the previous owner. The vet said Oh is he taking his meds he needs his meds. Michael. OK. And so my guess is probably the dog has a lot more exercise. Yeah. Yeah a lot more exercise. He probably doesn’t need to. And the dogs like him there and the dogs like conked out. The dog super chill right. Why. Because he’s on four times a human dose to track it down. Wow. Yeah he probably. He’s a German Shepherd mix. He just needs exercise. Right. He just needs love. He needs structure. He needs training. Obviously he needs dog training and he needs exercise. Right. And this is a nice Tulsa family. They just don’t know and that’s what the vet said. And so one of the other ones I went out and saw and this is this is a little while too because Trazodone is presidents like for sleep it’s for anti-depressant. You know this other one is the dog was on amitriptyline. And what is that Ryan. Well I’m going to read it to you right now.

Amitriptyline is for nerve pain and it’s anti-depressant so the dog has nerve pain is for depressed mood and loss of interest in activities caused by like pain.

And it’s anti-depressant. Wow. So the dog was wild and they put it on an antidepressant that’s also for nerve pain.

What That’s just oh my gosh that doesn’t make any sense now. And this is where I do like what the dog whisperer talks about the Cesar Milan man. What does he say. Well his biggest thing is most dogs need pack leadership and exercise. And so we don’t buy his training methods obviously it’s very theatrical good for television but where he is right is most american dogs. They either sit on the couch or sit in the cage all day long Aztek and they think they need meds. Well it’s the same thing. Your child sits in front of the TV eating mac and cheese and pop tarts all day long and then he acts crazy.

Tulsa Dog Training He doesn’t need meds. He needs to go outside. He needs exercise.

He has to swing on the swing and make a mud pie and eat it right. Yeah yeah. That might pay him. Yeah I was. When I saw that. They put their dog on amitriptyline and I looked that up.

I’m like well what is going on. So we also have a boot camp right now right in the boot camp is the dog freaks out smashed through multiple cages.

Right it has like a steel fabricator right now. Wow. You know it’s kind of crazy and it’s a boxer and he’s a rescue.

We are all for those kennels though because a lot of dogs are dog ninjas and they can escape from some of those kennels out there. Oh yeah I don’t have any problem with the steel kennel. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Tulsa Dog Training Nothing wrong with a steel kennel. I’ve had to say no. We had a dog before. It was a it was a police dog and it was a 110 pound that we were going to do a boot camp with. And we did have a steel kennel fab up for him. Wow. Yeah. And then we worked a Doberman and he could smash through any cage. Right. Not because he needed medication but because he was a very very high Dr. Dog and we had a steel cage fab for him out of a solid solid one piece steel that was bent. So he couldn’t smash through it and it was pretty wild. Anyway so back to this boxer this boxer is also on some drugs. He smashes through his cage. He was a rescue and it seems like we’ve had a lot of rescues with different issues. But really I think they need structure they need some training and they need a lot of exercise. You have these high energy dogs they need exercise they don’t necessarily need tons of medication but they need you know exercise. So he is on a medicine and it’s not an actual. It’s called composure. Ask me what it is. What is composure. Oh well composure is is a calming support formula recommended for pets to help with environmental stressors and alleviate stress related behaviors without affecting their personality and it can be used everyday which means you can actually buy it every week and give it to your vet cons or give it to your dog constantly. Interesting. Yeah. So it’s natural herbal shenanigans right.

I feel like it’s kind of silly. Right. You know I don’t feel like I’m a little high strung person. Maybe it’s my caffeine intake but that doesn’t mean I need a calming area. Not been five. Red Bull is Eugene Goodday. No no no. Actually I started mixing my red bulls with coffee. It’s great. I love it. And then at night no I’m just kidding. So yeah.

Tulsa Dog Training So these dogs just like me if I have a lot of energy I guess what I probably just need to exercise. I need to exercise. I need to exercise. I need to not sit around sit at a computer all day. I need to get out and do stuff. So the boxer smashing through kennels right. He’s a rescue. He’s he’s on a calming med everyday. Well every single dog that we talked on calling meds guess how much exercise they do on a daily basis how much you just guess how much guess five minutes.

We don’t always have time to walk them.

We don’t leave him in the backyard and I leave them in the back yard.

Tulsa Dog Training So yeah it sucks without time to walk the dog. These dogs need exercise people. If you’ve got a dog you need to make time to exercise that you need to make time to run it. Play ball with it. Go swimming go hiking. Do something besides letting the dog sit around in the house all day. The dogs probably don’t need the mats. This dog that smashed into the cages will I guarantee you if he actually got more exercise he probably wouldn’t have to be on his meds. He be a calmer happier more balanced dog. Just as an exercise not because his brain chemicals are off. He’s just being a dog. The issue is basically an exercise issue could have some stuff from being a rescue but really he just needs more exercise. So thanks for joining us. We will talk some more next time. Thank you. Thank you. Bye