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We fix 95% of Problems. Guaranteed or Your Money Back

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“One of America’s highest and most reviewed dog training companies.”





Colleyville dog training | saving one dog at a time with our services

This content was written for Tip Top K9.

At Tip Top K9 we offer Colleyville dog training where we are committed to saving one dog at a time with our services. We work hard to make sure that dog behavior is corrected. And we can guarantee that. We guarantee we will fix 95% of the problems your dog experiences with behavior or we will give you your money back. In addition, we are committed to saving one dog at a time with our services that we will schedule a one dollar first lesson. We know that when we offer a one dollar first lesson you will be so impressed with your dogs changes in behavior in that first lesson that you will continue the program because we want to save your dog. We know that for most families, the number one reason to re-home or sell your dog is because of behavioral issues. We never want to talk to experience that again. We believe it is the saddest thing when a family have to leave their dog because of behavioral problems and the dog leaves the only family they ever knew. That is why we are committed to providing exceptional services they your dog one of the time.

We offer exceptional Colleyville dog training services using a dog you can. This is where your dog will have work. Your dog will live with a trainer for 2 to 4 weeks meanwhile we will document through video footage their progress and deliver that to you. In addition, the doggie boot camp will provide services for you. We even offer human training so that your dog and you have the best way to maximize your communication and it will transform your relationship and take it to a new level. This is the service for the hardest cases. No dog is untrainable in our eyes. That is what our doggie boot camp commitment is.

We encourage you to check out Colleyville dog training for potty training or crate training services. We can offer exceptional results at a quick rate. We believed your time should be spent making memories with your family and your dog, not cleaning up their messes.

We also provide exceptional services for puppy training. Don’t you believe that your dog deserves the best start to lie possible. We understand that at Tip Top K9. That is why we believe behavior should be corrected before bad habits begin and the habits are so ingrained that it makes our job even harder. We work hard with our services and our mission is to save one dog at a time and never have to worry about our behavior again.

We encourage you to visit our website by going to or contacting us by phone at 833.484.7867 to learn more about our story and the commitment to exceptional services to transform the relationship between you and your dog. We have local locations throughout the US so we offer every opportunity to make sure you have the best chance for your dog. In addition, you can learn about our history. We have been bringing over 10 years of dog training experience all across the US. When you visit our website we encourage you to look at our clients video testimonials where we have been able to form their dog’s behavior in the relationship between owner and dog long-term.

Colleyville dog training | committed to preventing heartbreak for dogs

This content was written for Tip Top K9.

Picture this. A dog got a brand-new owner. The owner worked all the time. The owner did not have the time to train the dog effectively. The owner had time to spend with the dog, but not the time due to the time constraints of work to actually train the dog to the full potential where behavioral problems are omitted. The dog and owner were best friends. However, things change for the owner and the owner needed to have guests over often. The dog was constantly humping and jumping on the guests. There is an annoying barking constantly because the dog was anxious and uneasy about the guest and there was absolutely nothing the owner can do about it. The bond was there. However, the owner had a tough decision to face. What ended up happening in this situation is the owner sold the dog because he was unable to devote the time to training and researching how to train effectively. The poor dog was heartbroken. This is the only family he ever knew. He did not understand what he did wrong and he did not understand why he had to live with another family. He was happy in his home. He just did not know why his owner did not want him anymore. At Tip Top K9 we are committed to never having a dog experienced this type of deep heartbreak again. Your dog is your best friend. That is why we want to offer every opportunity possible to make sure your dog receives the best service possible for his training needs. We offer a one dollar first lesson service. This is because we want to make it affordable for you to achieve our services. We know that with the first lesson you will see our level of commitment to training your dog loving your dog through positive reinforcement and systematic techniques that work. If you are seeking Colleyville dog training, you should have a guarantee. That is what we can provide at Tip Top K9. We fix 95% of the problems guaranteed or your money back. You can schedule your first one dollar less heartbreak such as the story above forever.

We offer exceptional Colleyville dog training and we will fix problems such as hunting, jumping, begging, nuisance barking and more. We ease anxiety and fear and offer a document with guarantee results in a matter how it takes.

We also provide potty and crate training services. Your dog never have to worry about getting in trouble for a mess again. He will the skills needed to effectively do his business in the appropriate way. You will never have to clean up after him again when you seek Tip Top K9.

We also provide Colleyville dog training and puppy training. We know your puppy needs an immense amount of attention. That is our commitment at Tip Top K9. We will train your puppy to live the best life he can.

We encourage you to visit our website by going to and seeing our services and how we are able to transform the behavior in dogs everywhere. You may also contact us at 833.484.7867 where we will discuss pricing and different services available to you so that we can help your dog and improve the dynamics of your family.