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Dog Training in Tulsa : Aggressive dog

Hello and welcome to the man’s best friend podcast I am your host Ryan Wimpey and I’m here with my co-host Robert Smith. Robert. Hello sir. What’s up guys. What’s up. We are with tip top canine we do dog training here in Tulsa Oklahoma we actually service the whole Oklahoma area for your dog obedience needs Dog Training in Tulsa.

Today we’re here to talk about dog training. We’re here to talk about the dog world dog culture and everything dog. So we’ve been talking about aggression and last time we were talking about the muzzle and I think how we ended you were on a really good point on that we don’t want to bring out the muzzle and that be signified to the dog that it’s a traumatic experience. Right. I think that is so good. You know when the dog wound a lot of people get out the leash the dog gets so excited right.

Dog Training in Tulsa Well if someone out there if they have an aggressive dog and say they’re going to take it to the vet and that’s the only time they muzzle it right. Or they’re going to take it to a trainer or a groomer or whatever. Where Robert hit on that point. You can’t signify a traumatic event that’s so important. And if you don’t have any if you do have any aggression issues you need to make sure that that muscle is a decent thing not just like a bad thing for the dog. Super important. So thank you for bringing that up. I think a lot of people miss that and if they only put it on for training or the vet then the dog gets freaked out.

Right. So we definitely don’t want that. So we’ve got the dog condition to the muscle. Right. So that’s good. I want to talk a little bit about the snowball effect and this might be multiple podcasts.

Dog Training in Tulsa But we keep seeing and seeing whether it’s fear or dominance or you know whether it’s a genetic linked issue or learned behavior. We see these dogs where they get aggressive and the human gets anxious and nervous and then the dog gets more aggressive and then the human gets more anxious and nervous and it snowballs like out of control.

Yes. Even even good dogs almost They’re almost like learning to be aggressive based off their owners behavior. They like feeding off of it. So I know we’ve had a lot of those lately.

Do you want to. Do you have one that pops up in my I have one that pops up in mine. But I you got so just the dog names. Just dog names.

Anyways so one time I went over to a client’s house and while we were there we were you know they were telling me about their dog you know we were working on the dog was fine no problem Dog Training in Tulsa.

They said oh my dog is is super aggressive with this one person. And I was like OK will tell me a little bit about the situation. And so long story short I guess this this guy that would come over it was an actor neighbor you know and he had some kids you know so he’d bring him over but whenever there’s this guy would come over. The dog would be super aggressive towards this guy. And so I was like OK. You know I asked them hey why don’t you go ahead and you know it’s hard for me to see what’s happening and to address the situation if I haven’t if I’m not there to see how the dogs are responding how the person is introduced in the house and all that stuff. So I said why don’t you go next door get this guy bring them over and let me see what happens. As soon as the guy walked in the door you could see them. You know the mother grabbed the dog by the collar holding onto it.  Dog Training in Tulsa You know the little kid you know that the kids were all like just the whole house went into chaos. OK. Prepping the dog to get aggressive. Yes. And so all you know so I explained to them you know pretty much what’s happening as soon as this person walks in the house the dog doesn’t know what’s happening. He just knows everybody you know just kind of goes into a frenzy mode. Yeah you know. And so the room the tension in the room just kind of gets really stiff and so you know.

Dog Training in Tulsa So what I told them to do is I said OK give me the dog you know go ahead and sit down. And I told the guy to approach you know just to you know after everyone kind of calmed down I got I got control of the dog you know I told him I said just kind of walk over here approach the dog and don’t even look at it. Just walk up and approach the dog. So he came up he approached the dog and you know he was talking to us and he didn’t even look at the dog or the dog. You know when they weren’t making eye contact because eye contact is a big thing you know when when when you have a dog that’s aggressive or something like that that eye contact is is set some off. So you know he came over he didn’t even he didn’t reach out to touch the dog or anything. The dog started sniffing him. You know the dog kind of relaxed. And next thing you know they were playing on the floor.

They were just what was what was the mom doing.

The mom was sitting there watching. OK. Yeah. She had her take hands off it off. Oh yeah. I took control of the situation. You know I kind of brought it down a few notches. Right.

We joke about Robert having Jamaican energy. He’s very chill very good very good with the dog’s anxiety if you can hear just on the podcast.

You know I sound a little more high strung. Robert sounds a little chillar And that’s really important.

Dog Training in Tulsa Like I have to you know talk to myself about work the anxious dogs like you know I have to go take some deep breaths because I’m like Let’s do this let’s do this let’s work work work you know. You know but with anxious dogs like you have to slow it way down you know you have to let him know like everything’s OK. And when we see the people I’m thinking of two people right now that we have with dogs that have very good obedience. But what happens is the owners get uncomfortable and they do the same thing with their dogs. Yet at one of our group classes. Right. They started to get physical with the dog not like like mean physical but they start to tighten up on the leash. They start to jerk on the dog when the dog’s doing good and all of a sudden the dog feels all this tension coming from mom and dad right.

And then what does the dog do. Dog reacts reacts it goes like protective mode. I was thinking out of the shepherd who did it was probably a few years ago a group class. And there like Orthodox aggressive dogs. It’s dog aggressive. You know we take it out like that. And you worked with the husband. And no problem. You worked the dog and there was no problem. And she took the dog and the dog started getting aggressive and crazy right towards other dogs. And like OK well the is the same. The dogs are the same right. The only thing the obedience that we’re doing is the exact same thing that changed was a handler. Yes right. The energy she is putting off. And how how tense she got and she got all tied up on the leash. And then what happens is we get the snowball effect. She gets a she gets tense. The dog fills all that tension and they get a little aggressive and then she gets more tense and the dog feels like I need to protect my mom scared of whether it’s the neighbor whether it’s the dog or whatever. And so you take the dog and you have you know calm sort of energy no problem. That takes the dog. Dad’s not worried right. Mom takes it off. She gets anxious and now now we have a problem.

Dog Training in Tulsa Yes. Yes definitely. And you know as far as with that person you know the dog has been conditioned to know that every time mom you know whenever he’s with he or she is with mom and dad. That’s the state of mind that moms and you know. And so it’s going to take a little bit of time and working the dog you know in the human owner. You know the owner has to change her behaviors in order to help the dog change his behaviors. And so you know because like I said he’s conditioned to when he gets with mom. That’s the way things are. Right. You know that’s the mindset that they go into. Yeah. So you know we’ve got to got to fix the human. Yeah absolutely. And that will help to fix it.

Some people don’t realize it’s not oh my dog. Some dogs are dog aggressive right and some dogs are just reacting to their owner if their owner sees a dog and they tense up and they freak out. Then the dog feels that then the owner’s response is my dog is you know my dog dog aggressive Well maybe maybe not.

She’ll definitely be a human issue. And you know that’s where obedience training comes and that’s where a group class comes in where we get to work with people and we get to work them through that scenario. And at group class it’s so good. Especially

like you know here in Tulsa are part classes we’re able to have multiple dog trainers per client for a group of clients excuse me and we use three trainers for each client that resealing.

Dog Training in Tulsa So we have an open transfer group. Yeah. Dog Training in Tulsa  And you know we’re able to slow it way down and work with that distractions whether it’s dogs or people and I’m able to observe that client for 45 minutes and work with them in a really hard public place and kind of slow them down. And I feel like that really helps us get a lot of success because we can’t always replicate this single dog walking down the street right. Yes. So you have the snowball effect. I have another one that I’m thinking about. Our one of our other trainers just went out and handled and two of them actually do. I want to go over. It’s just it’s a consistent problem and I think the people really need to be aware of it. They really need to be aware of of kind of the state that they’re in while they’re handling their dog and how they are with the leash when people come over or like you said the lady came in and she’s or the neighbor came in and the lady’s grabbing her dog.

Right. And really she’s like setting her dog off and prepping her dog for a negative. Yes. She’s kind of sending him into that negative state. So we definitely want to avoid that.

And just to say you know there are some dogs where you know you do have to be careful you know. But that’s why it’s important to have you know a trainer or somebody who’s able to read the dogs and able to see you know I could tell that the dog was not extremely aggressive. It wasn’t one of those situations where the dogs are just going to go after somebody. So I was able to see that and the dogs so awesome. All right Dog Training in Tulsa.

Awesome. Well thank you. Tune in. And we will catch you next time. Bye guys.