<div id="ribbonWrap"><h2>Schedule Your $1.00 Dog Training Session Now!</h2><a href="#" class="btn">Contact Us</a></div>

Is Your Cute New Dog Chewing Everything?

We Fix 95% of Problems
In 2 to 4 Weeks, and Your
1st Session is

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Tip Top Guarantee

When you train with Tip Top, you’ll get the satisfaction guarantee! We don’t just train for a few weeks and walk away. We train with your dog for as long as it takes to get your guaranteed good dog.


“I haven’t had to spank my dog in two months!”

James B.

Skiatook, OK

“Salli had a tendency to slip out an open door and run just far enough for you to see her. As you approached, she would run again. UGH! Very frustrating! Ryan worked with Salli for 2 weeks and patiently taught us how to continue Salli’s training at home. She has made incredible gains and we are so pleased with Ryan’s services. We would highly recommend him to anyone with “challenging” furry friends”


Via Yahoo.com reviews